Quick Facts
- The average hospital stay of a child with cancer is $40,000. (1)
- The average length of days is 12 days (1)
- The most common pediatric cancer hospitalizations in 2009 were for leukemias (6,900 stays), cancer of the brain and nervous system (3,900 stays), and cancer of the bone and connective tissue (2,300 stays) (1)
- 2/3 of children with cancer will have long-last effects from chemo and cancer (2)
- Every day 700 kids get diagnosed with a form of cancer (2)

This shot is administered the day after chemo. How much is it worth?
It needs to be given 1x a month for every chemo round. And if a parent doesn’t learn how to administer it, it’s an extra $100 for home nurse to come in and administer it.

MRI's run around $3,000 per scan. However, each body part is considered a different scan. This can mean one MRI appointment can be upward of $12,000.
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project - Statistical Brief #132, Pediatric Cancer
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation - Childhood Cancer